I was quite surprised to find the OPI Infinite Shine polishes in a discount store in August. I have already shown you a couple that I’ve found before: Tagus in that selfie, I’ll have a gin and tonic and, less is norse.
I was even more surprised to find one of the stars from the Iceland 2017 collection: Turn on the Northern lights! I was under the impression that this was one of the more popular colors from the Iceland collection. Northern ligths is a blue/purple polish with unicorn shimmer. It is the same kind of shimmer that ILNP The magician has. That type of shimmer was around that time (2017) suddenly quite popular.

Anyway, I was still happy that I was able to find Turn on the Northern Lights for a nice price. The polish covered nicely in two coats and the formula was great. I only had one problem with this polish; the shimmer is much nicer in the bottle than it is in on the nail. Once applied on the nail the shimmer is much more subtle. Don’t get me wrong it is still pretty, it’s just different from what I expected. In sunlight or direct light the shimmer is visible much better. So you should definitely consider wearing it on a sunny day! If I have to choose to buy it again, I definitely would. Especially when it has a discount! Just be prepared that the bottle might be a bit misleading.

The Iceland 2017 is a very pretty collection anyway; I have shown you gin and tectonic before and less is norse. For the complete collection, I would like to refer you to: Hanninator. For the complete infinite shine version of the collection you can look here. Most people that have swatched the complete iceland collection refer to Turn on the Northern lights as their favorite or the best polish of that collection. I didn’t find a lot of people that had the same “issue” as me with this polish.. but oh well! I also have no clue whether there is a difference between the infinite shine version and the regular version of this polish. I tried to figure it out but I gave up, they all seem to be quite similar! The Iceland collection was a limited edition, however, it is still widely available, even this pretty one!
I have no similar polish in my collection. If I ever find one I will update this post promised! I think however that it might be possible to recreate the look using a blurple polish and ILNP The Magician, so if you own both you might try! In the beginning OPI-Turn on the Northern Lights reminded me of ILNP Storytelling. However, upon close inspection, I came to the conclusion that Story Telling was much more purple. The only thing that is similar is the pink shimmer. You can still find OPI Northern lights over here on Amazon (affiliate link).
This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I bought all these products myself.