Have you seen Essie’s new Fall collection? It is inspired by Japan and to me, it’s just perfection. If I had all the money in the world, I would definitely buy the complete limited edition. But unfortunately, I don’t, so I had to make a choice. I first decided to not buy anything, since I already own many fall polishes. But when I was completing an order and I saw that the store was carrying this collection, I just had to throw one in my virtual basket. The choice of which color it had to be was easy, Playing koi of course! It’s just a unique color, that I haven’t seen before!

Playing koi is a rusty orange/brown/red shade. I have to admit that somehow, my pictures make it look a little bit more bright orange than it actually is. In real life, it is a little bit more dusty and brown. It is one of those colors that many leaves have in autumn!

The formula is also very good. It covered easily in two coats. Please ignore the bubbles in some of the pictures. I used up all of my favorite topcoats, so I’m trying a different one. In real life they are less noticeable, I only saw the bubbles when I looked at these pictures! Somehow this polish just makes me feel so happy when I look at my nails! It is a perfect twist on the classic dark red polish for fall.

I bought Playing koi at the dutch website Wehkamp. I haven’t seen this collection yet in any physical stores. But I think that the stores that I go to are always a little bit slow (so annoying!). I’m sure that within a few weeks all stores will sell this polish!
Have you already seen the Essie’s fall collection? Which one would you pick?
Update September 2021: Wow! It has been so long since I have written this post! Playing Koi is still one of my favorite shades ever. I recently used it in a comparison to China glaze’s new Spice to meet you, and that’s what made me revisit this post. If there are still looking at this post, I though it might be helpful to add in the comparisons that I did with Playing koi. So here they are!

Playing Koi is the reddest out of the other shades, and it is probably still my favorite shade out of these four.

Also compared to Essie Yes I canyon, Essie’s playing koi is still my favorite (I’m sorry other shades!)
As far as I know, Essie Playing Koi was added to Essie’s permanent collection. It should therefore still be easy to find the shade. You can find it over here on Amazon for example (affiliate link).
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