On the UK website Boots a new Essie collection is spotted! It is probably one of Essie’s new winter collections. Before I want to start a little disclaimer: I know very little about this collection at this point so please don’t be disappointed. As soon as I find out more I will tell you.
This is what it says on the Boots website:
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow with essie’s winter 2020 collection of three limited edition nail varnishes.
OK.. honestly that doesn’t give us that much information. Except for the fact that this is not a regular Essie collection (since it consists of three polishes) and it probably has to do with snow. My guess is that this is probably not THE Essie winter collection but rather ONE of the Essie winter collections. It is probably THE Essie winter/holiday collection for 2020, however I am pretty sure there is going to be more fall collections/transitional collection, check Roll with it out over here, the Not red-y for bed collection over here.
The names of the polishes are a light blue with gold shimmer called Love at Frost sight, a light pink with gold shimmer called BonBon Nuit and a white with gold shimmer called Twinkle in time. They all seem to have a glitter finish with a gold sheen but it is very unclear from the promotional material.
Update: Apparently this is a 6 piece collection called Peppermint condition. It is going to be Essie’s Holiday 2020 collection! In some stores this collection is also listed as the Love at Frost sight collection. The remaining shades are called Peppermint condition (pale mint with gold shimmer), In a gingersnap (red with gold shimmer), Sugarplum fairytale (purple with gold shimmer). I was first worried that these polishes would be textured, however they are completely smooth. The only swatches I have seen so far were on Megan’s instagram page over here. (Update of the update, there are many more swatches around this time, you can view my swatches over here).
It also happens that I have spotted this collection on Amazon right now! You can find the complete collection over here (affiliate link).
Although I personally find it a bit early for a winter collection, I am really excited about this collection! It really fits Winter/Holiday season and I am really looking forward for this collection to arrive.
The Essie advent 2020 calendar also has been spotted, you can find more information on that collection in this post. In previous advent calendars some shades of the new collection were also included, so it might just be that this collection is inside the advent calendar (this is just speculation though).
Update October 2020: My picks
I was able to get my hands on these three from the collection. I really wanted to buy the complete collection ( I never do that), but I wanted to try a subset first. I’ve picked up Twinkle in time (the white one, swatches over here), Love at frost sight (the blue one, swatches over here) and peppermint condition (the green one, swatches over here).
WOW! I have never seen polishes like this before. The shimmer is absolutely incredible. For my dutch readers: I picked them up at Boozyshop (I’m not affiliated or sponsered by them, just being honest about where I found them).
Update December 2020: I need them all

Honestly, it was just a matter of time before I owned them all. I ended up buying the other three, In a gingersnap (red), Sugarplum fairytale (darker pink), Bonbon Nuit (lighter pink) in a black friday sale. I hope to update this post with swatches soon, or to make a new post with all swatches of all the colors. To see all my swatches from the Essie Winter 2020 collection, check out this post. For now, I can say my favorites still is Twinkle in time, followed by in a gingersnap and Love at frost sight. Although I am still happy to own them all!
My favorites
Now that I own them all it seems fair to discuss favorites. I personally like Twinkle in time best, it reminds me of snow, also the shimmer in this one seems to be more sparkling than in the other 5 shades. Twinkle in time is closely followed by in a gingersnap and Love at frost sight. The combination of the gold shimmer and the red base color makes in a gingersnap just gorgeous. Plus it reminds me of Christmas. I love Love at frost sight because it reminds me of cold winters and Disney princesses.
That being said, I find that Bonbon nuit (the light pink one) is extremely close to twinkle in time (see picture below). I’ve heard before that people found Sugarplum fairytale and Bonbon Nuit extremely close, but honestly, to me Sugarplum fairytale looks much darker. It is a good thing to keep in if your trying to figure out whether you need them all. Unless you’re really into pink, you probably don’t need all of them.

Other polish names are: Peppermint Condition, Sugarplum Fairytale & In a Gingersnap. Where can I send you pics?
Oh wow thank you so much! I had on clue that there would be more polishes, since the website says it would only be a 3-piece collection. I have send you an email but just in case it ends up in your spam folder: my email is mail at noae.nl
which one is your favorite?
I think the white one, Twinkle in time is. But I ordered the other three too today, so I am going to be able to test them all!