Hello everyone! I was doing some nail polish investigation for the blog, and I’ve found out that in the past time I quite missed a lot of nail polish collections. In my hopeless attempt to catch up, I made a list of Essie nail polish collections that are currently in store or are going to be available. I hope that it also will be useful for some of you! We have some catching up to do 😉 I do not have a lot of pictures of these collections, but I tried to link to some websites that do have content of these polishes.
OK before I start with this… Essie is driving me crazy! They release too many nail polish collections. As a collector it’s driving me crazy, I’m not able to keep up or to afford all these polishes! I’ve been trying my best to follow everything, so here is a quick summary. Not about every collection I’m excited.. but… there are some AMAZING collections!
Essie #essielove moments
The #essielove moments has been around since March I believe. It consists of 6 polishes. I did see this collection in stores already. It consists of 4 shimmery shades and 2 creme shades. The 4 shimmery shades are definitely beautiful, and you might give them a try! The purpose of this collection was, I believe, a transition from Winter to Spring. You might be able to find them though! I didn’t buy any of these polishes, mainly because I did not find them interesting enough. You can find a nice review by Vampy Varnish here.
Essie Glazed Days Jellies
This set of polishes consists of 6 sheer polishes. In the Netherlands they are already available at Wehkamp and Bol.com. I cannot find that much reviews about these polishes, but if I need to be honest I would probably skip this collection. Basically because they are sheer and not practical. On the top it says “Glazed effect”, and apparently it’s limited edition. I have not seen them in stores, but maybe they’ll pop up. If you want something special and different, maybe it’s worth giving them a try. Phoebe Moon has a nice video here. I know a lot of girls like these types of polishes mainly because they are nice to play with and make nice nail art.
Essie Summer 2019
Essie summer 2019 mostly consists of neon polishes, most of them with a nice formula. Karen gave an overview of this collection over here. I can definitely see myself wearing some of these colors. I’ve seen them in stores in the Netherlands already and they make me very happy! Definitely suitable for a nice summer holiday! Not every shade is unique, so I think you should be careful if you have a stash like mine, but there are definitely some nice unique colors in it.

Essie Gorgeous Geodes 2019 (In the middle)
When you have been following my blog, you might know that I’m super excited about this collection!!! You can find the one polish that I own over here. The collection consists of 6 holographic shades, and they are amazing. If you go for one collection this summer, THIS IS THE ONE! You can find a full review over here. It was already available in my Etos, and it seems to be part of a massive summer collection. It’s probably already available everywhere. For all dutch people; It is also available at wehkamp and probably also at bol.com soon.
EDIT MAY 2020: I ended up buying three polishes of this collection (I’m still considering to buy the others). You can check my swatches over here. These polishes are all available on Amazon over here (affiliate link).
Essie Sunrush Metals Gel Couture 2019 (at the bottom)
Another Essie collection that I’m really happy with. A gel couture collection with metal finishes. I think these colors are perfect for a nice summer holiday if you want something different from the Neons. I’m not sure if I’m going to pick them up, but they are definitely fun to look at. I haven’t seen a lot of reviews around yet, but they look very interesting. Press images can be found here, but in real-life they always look different. In my drugstore they only had four colors, and in dutch websites they only have four colors too. So I’m assuming that in the Netherlands only these 4 colors are available.
Essie Rocky Rose 2019 (On top)
The rocky rose collection is a collection consisting of 9 polishes. The colors are all rose/nude/brown tones, so that’s probably where the name comes from. Nothing special, but if you need a safe for work polish or something like that, this might be your chance. This collection is just a joy to admire in stores, in my place they only had 6 of the colors, so I’m assuming that these are the only ones that we will get. I did not find any reviews yet, probably too soon, but the press image is over here. If you happen to find a review of those polishes please let me know in the comments, because I’m curious!
So if you are on the lookout for the Gorgeous Geodes collection, the Rocky Rose collection or the Sunrush Metals collection, keep watching for the cardboard stand in the picture above, you might be able find them!
This was it folks! Have a nice monday and I’ll see you around, maybe with some more happy nail polish news!
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