It is time for a polish that was released last year, Essie Seas the day. It was released in the Sunny Business collection (for summer 2020). Why didn’t I show it to you back then, you ask? Well I wasn’t able to get my hands on this pretty little bottle until the end of September. By then, I was completely into fall collections and definitely did not feel like sharing Seas the day with you! However, now that the days start to become longer, I am ready to share this pretty little mint polish with you!

Essie calls seas the day “a mint sorbet color”. The color is very mint-y and very summer-y, although I personally also like these colors in spring! It allows me to dream away and think of pools and sunglasses, while working in the home office! The polish contains a tiny bit of green shimmer. It is quite prominent in the bottle, but not that prominent on the nails. Some might even call the shimmer invisible! However, when a ray of sun hits this polish right, it is gorgeous. I was not able to capture the shimmer on the nails in my pictures, but trust me it’s pretty but very subtle!

For these pictures I had to use three coats to reach full opacity. The color reminded me a lot of Essie Passport to happiness (one of my favorite shades ever!). However passport to happiness contains much more gray, is darker, and the shimmer is more visible. Compared to Mint candy apple Seas the day is just much lighter. Seas the day is very close to Essie Blossom dandy (Spring 2015), which also used to be a favorite. Blossom dandy obviously doesn’t contain any shimmer.

If I am being honest, I am not sure whether I would pick up Seas the day again, I love the color but I own already so many mint colored Essie polishes that I have no clue why I picked up this one! That being said, I do wear mint nail polish a lot and they always make me happy! I think Seas the day is a great pick if you’re looking for a lighter mint shade, and you missed out on Blossom Dandy!
You can still find Essie Seas the day over here on Amazon (affiliate link).
It is a gorgeous mint green. I like such greens 😀
That’s why I own so many!